Botanical Infomation

Botanical name : Phyllanthus niruri Linn
Synonyms     : Phyllanthus amarus
Common name : Chanca piedra
Local name : Dukong anak, dukong-dukong anak, amin buah, rami buah, turi hutan.
Family : Euphorbiaceae
Distribution : widely throughout the tropics, in Peninsula it occurs near the coasts.



  • Annual herb 50-70 cm high. Herbaceous branches, ascending.
  • Stem often branched at the base, angular. Bark smooth and light green in colour1.
  • Cataphylls subulate, with triangular stipules often turning black2.
  • Deciduous branchlets 4-12 cm long 15-30 leaflets.
  • Leaf-bearing branchlets slender, spreading.
  • Leaflets subssile, elliptic-oblong, 5-11 mm X 3-6 mm, base rounded, apex apiculate, mucronate, entire, glabrous. Stipules ovate-lanceolate3.
  • Flower pale green, often flushed with red, very numerous. Male and female flowers in separate axils, male 1-3, female solitary, male at the lower ones, dehiscence of anthers transverse, 5 disk segments, stamen 2-3, filaments connate, anther free, dehiscing obliquely to horizontally4. Female flowers shortly pedicellate, disk deeply 5-lobed5.
  • Fruit an oblate capsule, 1.8-2.5 mm in diameter, smooth, globose6.
  • Calyx more prominent than those in P.urinaria.
  • 2 smooth seeds in each cell, triangular, with longitudinally ribbed on the back.


  1. Anon. Medicinal and poisonous plants. P.392.
  2. Ridley. 1924. Flora Malay Peninsula. 3. P. 199.
  3. Mock, Warden & Hooper. Pharmacographia Indica Vol. III. P. 265-267.
  4. Kirtikar & Basu. 1975. Indian Medicinal Plants. P.2223-2226.

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